Monday, April 27, 2020

Summa Theologica- Second Part Essay Sample free essay sample

Introduction Thomas Aquinas ( 1225-1274 ) wrote about many virtuousnesss. In peculiar he wrote about â€Å"temperance. prudence. fortitude. and justice† ( p 5 ) . He wrote that he believed justness was the highest virtuousness and explained what justness was and why he believed justness to be the highest virtuousness. Aquinas ( 1225-1274 ) explained that virtuousnesss are behaviors. Virtues. other than justness. are self-seeking. concentrating merely on one facet of virtuous behaviour. Aquinas ( 1225-1274 ) believed that justness covered all virtuousnesss. Aquinas ( 1225-1274 ) explained the virtuousnesss other than justness service one’s ain ego. An illustration of moderation ( temperateness ) is avoiding or commanding intoxicant ingestion to profit the ego but non others. An illustration of prudence is looking at a state of affairs in a certain manner but another individual could look at the state of affairs in a different manner ( such as bondage during Thomas Aquinas Era ) . Saint Augustine approved bondage where Saint Thomas was against it. In this illustration we see how the virtuousness of prudence is pinpointed to one facet of behavior. We will write a custom essay sample on Summa Theologica- Second Part Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Fortitude is the bravery to make right even if it is out of the norm. such as a maestro supporting a slave during Thomas’s epoch. This once more merely covers the one virtuousness of bravery. Aquinas ( 1225-1274 ) understood justness as being a virtuousness covering all virtuousnesss under one umbrella. Aquinas ( 1225-1274 ) believed justness to be the central ( highest ) virtuousness. He defined justness as a virtuousness. and as the act of handling others in a right. merely. just manner. Aquinas ( 1225-1274 ) stated â€Å"all Acts of the Apostless of virtuousness can refer to justness. in so far as it directs adult male to the common good† ( p. 6 ) . This means that Aquinas believed justness to be the highest virtuousness because it directs adult male to move towards the common good of all people. He believed that justness is the usher to mans’ behaviour to another and to the community. Aquinas ( 1225-1274 ) stated that justness had to make with how worlds act and that following these regulations ( justness ) make worlds virtuous. The overarching ground that Aquinas ( 1225-1274 ) believed justness was the highest virtuousness was because he believed that we need a supreme virtuousness that will steer all of the other virtuousnesss. He compares a individual that did something without the purpose to make so ( holding actus reus. but non the work forces reas ) . Therefore. he believed that making something is more of import to justness than the significance or passion to make. He explained that we can ever be merely and cover right with our egos. but covering with others is something that requires a particular virtuousness. Aquinas ( 1225-1274 ) further explained that holding feelings towards justness is nil compared to making something towards justnesss. Aquinas ( 1225-1274 ) believed that justness was a particular virtuousness that goes beyond feelings into action for the common good. Justice. harmonizing to Aquinas ( 1225-1274 ) . was the taking virtuousness. as opposed to temperance. prudence or fortitude. The other virtuousnesss were merely good for the intent of fulfilling a person’s passion or to experience good. Justice was good because it deals with others. He explained that it is of import that legal justness covers the common good vs. the single good. Aquinas ( 1225-1274 ) believes that legal justness is the first virtuousness among all the moral virtuousnesss because he believes it works towards the common good and bypasses the single good. Decision Virtues. such as moderation. prudence. and fortitude were discussed in Aquinas ( 1225-1274 ) . Harmonizing to Aquinas ( 1225-1274 ) . virtuousnesss were of import for the ego and for others. The virtuousness of justness was explained as the highest virtuousness because justness was a virtuous act towards the common good. MentionThomas Aquinas ( 1947 ) . Second Part of the Second Part. 58: Justice. In Summa Theologica. Translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province. New York: Benziger Bros hypertext transfer protocol: //moodle. royalroads. ca/moodle/pluginfile. php/20885/mod_page/content/5/Thomas_Aquinas. pdf

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