Friday, November 22, 2019

My Father's Suitcase by orhan pamuk Research Paper

My Father's Suitcase by orhan pamuk - Research Paper Example His father said, â€Å"Just take a look,† slightly embarrassed. â€Å"See if there’s anything in there that you can use. Maybe after I’m gone you can make a selection and publish it† (Pamuk). At that time, Pamuk did not understand the gravity of the situation because he never understood that his father meant death. His story however unfolds as he opens the suitcase to find excellent pieces of writing and literature, something that made him think about his father from a different perspective altogether, something that made him the great writer and man that he is today. Pamuk talks about the characteristics of a writer by incorporating the way his father was; by reading the letters and papers that his father had left behind for him, he forms a different worldview about him. He begins to understand that his father did not take up his writing in order to help the family live a substantial life because his grandfather had been a wealthy businessman and thus Pamuk’s father did not want to disappoint the family by becoming a writer and taking the risk of not being able to earn enough money. He thus kept this personality of his a secret from the rest of the world, and was too scared to display it before he was gone. He was perhaps embarrassed because of the fact that he would have turned out to be a wonderful writer and that he would later feel regret in his life for not having taken up that path when he had the chance. He thus opted for the path of least resistance, the path where he showed his son what kind of a man he actually was, what his inh erent personality revealed about him, and how he could make a difference in his son’s life by showing him all of that. Pamuk writes, â€Å"The lovely Turkish expression â€Å"to dig a well with a needle† seems to me to have been invented with writers in mind. In the old stories, I love the patience of Ferhat, who digs through mountains for his love – and I

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