Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Industrial Revolution Paper - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 668 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2019/05/07 Category History Essay Level High school Tags: Industrial Revolution Essay Did you like this example? Summary/Abstract In my research thus far I have found that alcohol, the beverage business, and the attitudes surrounding alcohol experienced significant changes during the Industrial Revolution. Alcohol would have never been mass produced without the technology developed during the revolution. Existing varieties of beverages such as beer would not have experienced improvements or variations without this period. Temperance movements gained popularity during this period and were successful in vilifying alcohol consumption. Key Points 1. The Industrial Revolution allowed for the mass production of beer. 2. Technology developed during the Industrial Revolution shaped modern alcoholic offerings. 3. Temperance movements gained traction during this period. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Industrial Revolution Paper" essay for you Create order Introduction This topic relates to A-S 121 Liquid Libations in that alcohol had a significant presence in the working class during Industrial Revolution. Our class focuses on the history of different beverages. The Industrial Revolution produced workers who used alcohol as a medicine, a mental escape, and a social tool. As temperance movements progressed during this period, employers also sought to keep it out of workplaces to cut down on accidents, errors, absenteeism, etc. Temperance movements also made consuming alcohol and public drunkeness less socially acceptable by deeming them sinful and a risk to their ability to be in good standing with their god. The Industrial Revolution also gave way to the mass production of alcohol, thus making beverages such as beer even more popular outside the workplace. This mass production also gave way to new variations of alcoholic beverages. Results The Industrial Revolution was a period of transition from an agrarian lifestyle to more dense city populations, increased factory jobs, and technological innovations. This revolution is credited for the creation of the middle class and shaping the global economy. (CITATION) The revolution spanned from the mid 1700s to the mid 1800s in the United States and parts of Europe. The advancement of technology during this period lead to the mass production of alcoholic beverages, such as beer. The introduction of steam power energy to the brewing industry allowed for increased production and efficiency. The steam engine could be used to pump water, wort, and beer, grind up malts, stir, and raise casks out of cellars. One device developed during this time which changed beer was the thermometer. Temping batches properly allowed brewers to avoid spoilage. The saccharometer which was invented by English chemist and inventor Benjamin Martin in 1770. The device measured density in the beer, which they used as a measure of sweetness. The hydrometer was invented by English chemist William Nicholson in 1790. It allowed brewmasters to measure composition relevant to a malts yield. This allowed brewers to calculate the yield from different malts in a single batch, which lead to more variety, as well as less errors and waste. It also lead to most brewers switching to pale malt with more colorful malt supplemented in because they found that pale malts had the highest yield per batch. The invention of the drum malt roaster by British engineer David Wheeler in 1818 allowed brewers to evenly roast malts in a revolving drum inspired by coffee roasting. This changed the taste of the beer, as fire roasted malts had always had a smokey flavor. The smokey flavor was due to the use of wood fires, charcoal fires, or straw fires. The color of the beer also changed as a result of the drum malt roaster. The materials previously used in the fires caused beer to have a darker color from the smoke. This was important because beer sold at this time was not legally allowed to have added colorants in Great Britain. CITATION Temperance movements aimed to keep the newly created middle class away from alcohol during this time. As factory work was common and often tiring, workers united over post-work drinks. Some workers were even paid in beer. Parliament legalized liquor as a form of payment in 1790. (CITATION) Alcohol was originally thought of as an acceptable beverage in the workplace, having been used as a stimulant, social tool for celebrations and team building, and providing a mental escape.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Antigone Hero Or Fool Essay - 842 Words

nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;In Greek literature, a tragic hero is based upon an individual having several of the following qualities: having a high social position in society; not being overly good or bad; being persistant or stubborn in their actions; having a single flaw that brings about their own death and the death of others; and obtaining pity from the audience. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Antigone was a prime example of a Greek tragic hero. Antigone, being the daughter of Oedipus, obtained a high social standing in Thebes. Prior to his self-exile from Thebes, Oedipus was the citys king. Because of her high standing in society, Antigone was capable of great suffering, in that she had a reputation and a vast amount of respect†¦show more content†¦The first such display is her decision to take matters into her own hands and bury her brother Polyneices. Creon finds out about the burial and in order to have credibilty with the citizens of Thebes he must follow through with the punishment as set forth in his proclamation. Antigone and her sister Ismene are placed in a cave and heavily guarded. They faced quot;stoning to death in the public square.quot; (Prologue, line 25). Antigones second display of headstrong behavior is when she decides to kill herself in the cave, therefore robbing Creon of the satisfaction of completing this deed. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;All of Thebes sympathizes with Antigone because not only has she lost her mother, father, and two brothers, but also her one act, has sentenced her sister Ismene and herself to death. The king is made aware of the sympathy Antigone is receiving from his son Haemon. quot;And I have heard them muttering and whispering in the dark about this girl. They say no woman has ever so unreasonably, died so shameful a death for a generous act.quot; (Ode II, scene III, line 65-67). It is here that we must look back at the quality posessed by a tragic hero in Greek literature, the main one in this play being: having a single flaw that brings about their own death and the death of others. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Antigones decision to bury Polyneices isShow MoreRelated Antigone the Tragic Hero Essay929 Words   |  4 PagesA Tragic Hero A tragic hero is a character who makes an error of judgment or has a fatal flaw, which combined with fate, results into a tragedy. The tragic hero must fall from good luck and well being to misery and misfortune. The tragic hero causes a sense of pity through the tragic downfall that weakens the character. In Antigone by Sophocles, Antigone follows her own beliefs by giving her brother a proper burial, even if she has to break the law of King Creon. Because of her innocentRead MoreEssay on Creon As The Tragic Hero In Antigone602 Words   |  3 PagesSophocles’ Antigone is, without a doubt, one of the greatest tragedies ever written. There are many questions that somebody could ask about this work, but this one intrigues me the most: Who is the tragic hero? Could it be Antigone? Or could it be Creon? Antigone might be the name of the tragedy, but I believe that Creon is the winning candidate. His role in the plot of this tragedy, his sensible tragic fault, and his dynam ic character are the obvious reasons why I chose him as the tragic hero. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;FirstRead More Creon as the Hero of Sophocles Antigone Essay1624 Words   |  7 PagesCreon as the Hero of Antigone       The dilemma of identifying the true hero, or heroine, of Sophocles’ Antigone has tortured students for years. It is indeed a difficult decision to make. The basis for this decision is what the reader perceives to be Sophocles’ dramatic issue in this play. The dramatic issue of the play is twofold: Antigone is a fanatic who is driven by her religious fever to bury the body of her criminal brother, Polyneices, against the edict of Creon. In the second part,Read MoreCharacter Analysis of Antigone and Creon in William Shakespeare ´s Antigone1144 Words   |  5 PagesAntigone and Creon, the two displayed tragic figures of Antigone, both led themselves to their demise because of their love for themselves and the hate they both share for one another. Antigone’s proven love is of the afterlife while her hate is for her uncle and king, Creon. Creon may share the love of himself, however, it is not quite the same as Antigone’s love. Creon loves to rule the city of Thebes and hate’s Antigone, which is very odd for both characters because they are family. SophoclesRead MoreThe Tragic Heroes in Sophocles’ Tragedy, Antigone Essay790 Words   |  4 Pagestragic hero is someone of great importance or royalty. The hero must go through something terrible such as a relative’s death. We must feel what this character is feeling throughout the story. Aristotle also said that a tragic hero scan be defeated by a tragic flaw, such as hubris or human pride. In Sophocles’ tragedy Antigone, both Creon and Antigone are tragic heroes. In the play, Creon and Antigone can be seen as good or bad characters. Both of them show traits of justice. Antigone wanted toRead MoreSophocles Antigone By Sophocles967 Words   |  4 PagesTragedy in Antigone Antigone is one of the greatest Greek tragic plays by Sophocles. The play portrays two main characters, Antigone and Creon, who undergo tragedy in the play. Various arguments have been put forth regarding who amongst the two characters is the actual tragic hero in Sophocles’ Antigone. A number of people are for the idea that Creon qualifies since he does possess the real characteristics of what tragedy is all about, while numerous others believe that Antigone is the actual hero in tragedyRead MoreKing Lear and Antigone as Tragic Hero Essay1626 Words   |  7 PagesBecause Lear is capable of change, he becomes a tragic hero; because Antigone is incapable of change, she never becomes a tragic heroine. Aristotle defines a tragic hero as someone, usually a male, who â€Å"falls from a high place mainly due to their fatal flaw.† During the highest point of the tragic hero’s life, something is revealed to the protagonist causing a reversal in their fortune. This reversal of fortune is caused by the flaw in their character. Tragedy evokes catharsis, a feeling ofRead MoreThe Epic Of Heroism, By Dante Alighieri And Antigone By Sophocles1238 Words   |  5 Pagesfears, complicated adversities that only a true hero would ever overcome. With heroism, one should be morally in-tact, filled with courage and the will to do what is right. While each epic poem features its’ own heroic figure, they each possess different traits and attributes that truly form the quality of their character and heroic image: The Iliad by Homer focuses on the physical aspects of heroism, whereas The Inferno by Dante Alighieri and Antigone by Sophocles are merely based on the true depthsRead Mo reVanity Or Valor : When Lines Are Skewed1434 Words   |  6 PagesFairytales have influenced their apprentices to always look for a hero and a villain; however, similar to the real world, theses lines between â€Å"right† and â€Å"wrong† become indistinguishably skewed. Sophocles’ Antigone is not to be viewed through the eyes of morality because together hero and villain lie within the motives of both the play’s main characters. Simon Goldhill asserts that â€Å"it is difficult, in other words to read Antigone without making not only moral judgments, but the sort of one-sidedRead More Antigone – Strong and Powerful or Spoiled and Stubborn? Essay1162 Words   |  5 PagesAntigone – Strong and Powerful or Spoiled and Stubborn? Of the tragic figures in Antigone, Creon is the most obviously evil because his motives are self-serving and his fate the worst. As the play begins, we learn that Antigone has defied Creons royal decree by performing sacred burial rites for her exiled brother, Polyneices. Polyneices has been declared an enemy of the state by Creon. The sentence for anyone attempting to bury him is death by stoning. Creon has become King of Thebes by

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Product Development Specifications Free Essays

1)a. When making patterns, they can either be produced in house or be outsourced. Both types have their advantages and disadvantages. We will write a custom essay sample on Product Development Specifications or any similar topic only for you Order Now The advantage to using in house pattern making is that the fit of the garment can be more customized. When a company makes its own patterns, it has years of experience with their target market and their needs. Also, companies that produce their own patterns can base new patterns off of previous seasons. However, a disadvantage is that is expensive, and a smaller company may not have the resources to use their own pattern makers. When outsourcing pattern making, a company can either use pattern making services, or full service contractors. Pattern making services create patterns without the product developer having to invest in their own computerized pattern making system. The other type of out sourced pattern making, full service contractors, are usually used by product developers looking to knock off a design. The product developer sends an already made sample to the pattern maker with size specifications. Full service contractors are more difficult to use when making original designs. Some disadvantages to outsourcing pattern making are that different countries have different methods of pattern making and different perceptions of the body. Also it takes time to check samples, and language and measurement system are usually different in other countries. b. When choosing materials, specifications can either be open or closed. Open specs are when the information provided is more generic and only contains basic facts. Closed specs are when the specifications are very detailed and specify an exact material and supplier. A disadvantage to closed specs is that they can become very expensive. However an advantage is that they ensure consistency of the end product. Some advantages to open specs are that they are cheaper and less time consuming, however the end product could be less accurate. c. Tolerances are variations from criteria that will be allowed when producing a product. If a product does not meet tolerances, it will be rejected. Tolerances can either be tight or loose. Tight tolerances have less room for variation. The advantages to tight tolerances are that products will be more consistent, and fit better. However, the disadvantages are that it is costly, and time consuming as it may take a few tries to meet tight standards. Loose tolerances are when specs have a wider variation. Products that have loose tolerances vary more often, but are cheaper and faster to produce. 3) Standards and specifications in the product development process are very important because they affect quality, cost, and the time it takes to produce an item. In general, when a product has more standards and specifications it takes longer to produce and is more costly, but it will be a more consistent, high quality product that fits better. When there are less standards and looser specifications, products can be made faster and for cheaper but will be of a lower quality. When choosing standards and specifications it is important for the product developer to keep the company and its end target market in mind. For instance, when developing product for companies such as Zara or Forever 21, the focus is on producing products quickly as fashion is always changing and trending up or down. These companies would use looser specifications with lower standards to get their product produced as quickly as possible. Since the product is at a lower price point, the quality of products is not taken into as much consideration. However, for products that set the trends and are sold at higher price points, more time would be taken on specs and standards as the target market expects quality. LIM College. (2010). Chapter 9: Translating Concept to Product. Product Development (pp. 262-279). United States of America: Fairchild Books, a Division of Conde Nast Publications. How to cite Product Development Specifications, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Alice and Vicky Essay Example For Students

Alice and Vicky Essay After having read Hobsons Choice, by Harold Brighouse, I am to concentrate on the remarkable character of Maggie Hobson. When we first get introduced to Maggie Hobson, we notice into the play that, she is very different from her two younger sisters, Alice and Vicky. The sisters are under the control of their father, but Maggie is independent around events and people in her life. She is the most controllable character in the whole play. The play is set in Salford, around the 1880s. The women were expected to keep quiet, while they did the housework. The readers and the viewers would be shocked to see a woman with such immense power, who is able to control the characters in the whole play. The play is based around a guy called Henry Horatio Hobson. He is a middle-class businessman who is expected to rule over his household. The mens role in the 1880s had a higher role in the society, than the women. The women were considered to be second-class citizen, in the society. As the play starts going, we can that Maggie isnt happy about women in the society. We can see this dominant role, when Albert Prosser enters the shop, to see his girlfriend, Alice. We will write a custom essay on Alice and Vicky specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Maggie manipulates Albert by saying This is a shop you know. Were not here to let people go without buying. After this scene, Albert leaves by buying a new pair of bootlaces and boots, and after leaving his old boots in for repair. Maggie has business skills, and overpowering character to make Albert Prosser (a son of an respectable solicitor) change his mind into buying something from their shop. He had only come to make makes sheeps eyes at his girlfriend, Alice. Maggies behaviour of her father, who is supposed to be the man of the house, is able to make a conversation her way. The scene concerning the time of dinner shows the audience that she able to get what she wants, when she wants it. Hobson Im going out, Maggie. Maggie Dinners at one, remember. Hobson Dinner will be when I come in for it. Im master here. Maggie Yes, father. One oclock Hobson Come along, Jim Hobson goes to Moonrakers with his friend Jim Heeler, because he has speechless after the time if his dinner. It is clear that he is not the master of his house, as well his business. Maggie is in charge of everybody, men, her sisters, and the business. After Albert had left the shop, he is probably about what has just happened between him and Maggie. This gives a chance for Maggie, to talk about courtship to Alice. Maggie See that slipper with a fancy buckle on to make it pretty? Courting like that, my lass. All glitter and no use to nobody. As the play gets going, Maggie ends up in a relationship with Willie Mossop. Maggie sees that he has potential in bootmaking skills. She thinks that they will have a very successful business. Willie Mossop is known as a timid, not very educated. He spends most of his time in the cellar, making boots and shoes with Tubby Wadlow. Willie is praised from a rich woman called Mrs. Hepworth. She reckons that Willie has excellent bootmaking skills, while calling a rabbit. Later on the play, Willie is be educated by Maggie, so he can handle the business in the future. When Willie is told that he is to marry Maggie, Willie tells her that he is tokened to Ada Figgins. Willie What makes it so desperate awkward is that Im tokened. Maggie Youre what? Willie Im tokened to Ada Figgins. She even tells people when to go out. This is because Ada leaves with opening the shop door by herself. .u817fe66b4cafe866e249d4a7e659f56d , .u817fe66b4cafe866e249d4a7e659f56d .postImageUrl , .u817fe66b4cafe866e249d4a7e659f56d .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u817fe66b4cafe866e249d4a7e659f56d , .u817fe66b4cafe866e249d4a7e659f56d:hover , .u817fe66b4cafe866e249d4a7e659f56d:visited , .u817fe66b4cafe866e249d4a7e659f56d:active { border:0!important; } .u817fe66b4cafe866e249d4a7e659f56d .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u817fe66b4cafe866e249d4a7e659f56d { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u817fe66b4cafe866e249d4a7e659f56d:active , .u817fe66b4cafe866e249d4a7e659f56d:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u817fe66b4cafe866e249d4a7e659f56d .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u817fe66b4cafe866e249d4a7e659f56d .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u817fe66b4cafe866e249d4a7e659f56d .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u817fe66b4cafe866e249d4a7e659f56d .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u817fe66b4cafe866e249d4a7e659f56d:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u817fe66b4cafe866e249d4a7e659f56d .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u817fe66b4cafe866e249d4a7e659f56d .u817fe66b4cafe866e249d4a7e659f56d-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u817fe66b4cafe866e249d4a7e659f56d:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The speech used is full of double meanings and there are many symbolic features in the play EssayThe other sisters dont have a clever for maths, when Maggie leaves with Willie to own their own business. Alice Im not snappy in myself. (Sitting at desk. ) Its these figures. I cant get them right. Whats 17 and 25? Vickey (promptly): Fifty-two, of course. The sisters cant even add up, 17 and 25 isnt 52, its 42. Since Maggie had left, the business went down hill from there. This shows that the shop would only make money because of her. Willie had a hand in making the shop sell, because when he made the most beautifully handcrafted shoes, they were sold like hot cakes. When Willies shop is doing so well, they are able to pay the loan( of 100) off, which they had loaned from Mrs. Hepworth. They are doing so well that, they can pay back the 100 including the 20% interest, which they promised to pay within the first year. When Hobson gets drunk and accidentally falls into the Beenstocks cellar. She decides to sue her father for trespass and damage, so she can get her sisters married off. She gets Albert Prosser to draw up the summons. Albert says the price for trespassing and damage, is one thousand pounds, Maggie isnt too happy with this. She says to Hobson that, you can afford hundred pounds and youre going to pay five hundred pounds. When Hobson has promises to pay the five hundred pounds, Maggie decides to spilt it between Alice Vickey. Maggie gives a chance to Alice Vickey, to make a start on their marriage. This is evidence of Maggie being completely unselfish; she doesnt even take a penny from the five hundred pounds. Maggie tells Albert to move the broken bits of furniture through the streets of Salford, in the morning, when he doesnt to. And How Maggie says its your wedding gift to me. Maggie is the only prescribed to Hobson, when the doctor visited him. He says that Maggie is the best cure for the illness, which he has. He reckons that a woman is needed in the house; to make sure Hobson health is stable. Right at the end of the play, Maggie is over-powered by the man that she herself had created. This leads to an argument of naming the new business, were Hobson and Willie Mossop have a partnership. They decide on calling it Mossop and Hobson

Friday, November 29, 2019

The Central Issue Regarding the Indian Removal Act free essay sample

The central issue regarding the Indian Removal Act is land and how to make everyone who occupied that land or wanted to occupy that land happy. My opinion on this matter is that Jackson issued the Indian Removal Act so white settlers could have more land, and Prestidigitation could move the Indians farther west. The problem with this proposal is he did not follow the rules of the act. All the Indian tribes were supposed to be moved voluntarily by the signing of treaties, but in fact they were not.This resulted in one-fourth of Cherokee Indians dying because they had to pick up and move 800 miles west. There were lives lost from suffering from cold, hunger, and diseases such as pneumonia, tuberculosis, smallpox, and cholera. Today, we recognize this forced move as the Trail of Tears. After President Jackson served two terms in office, Martin Van Burden was elected. President Van Burden saw that more white settlers were coming over, so he had the idea to move the Indians to reservations where they could live forever. We will write a custom essay sample on The Central Issue Regarding the Indian Removal Act or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I think that there was a better solution to all of this, maybe if the people of that time thought a little bit more about making everyone happy instead of just the settlers, lives could have been saved. The Cherokee Indians lived in the southern Appalachian Mountains: including western North and South Carolina, northern Georgia and Alabama, southwest Virginia, and the Cumberland Basin of Tennessee, Kentucky, and northern Alabama. There homes were wooden frames covered with woven vines and saplings plastered with mud. The Cherokee Indians were farmers. They grew all of there vegetables and wheat.They got there meat by hunting. Based on this information the Indian Removal Act was set up to hurt the Indians. The proposal I would have came up with is Cherokee Indians could have a 1,000 acres of land. On this land they could farm, hunt, and build homes. Also, my proposal would clearly state that no one could take this land or move in to this land with out permission from the head chief of the tribe. There would be papers to be sign by the President and the head chief of Cherokee tribe. Every one would be clear about the little details and no one could over ride the document once it is signed by both groups

Monday, November 25, 2019

Film Analysis of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Essays

Film Analysis of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Essays Film Analysis of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Paper Film Analysis of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Paper In Michael Gondry’s Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004), the connections between people and memories become the focal point of a very unique romance. Through the use of new technology, the possibility of erasing memories makes painful relationships disappear like they never happened. The tale of Joel and Clementine allows the audience to rethink and question the process they undergo as beneficial or destructive. Though the process might be helpful in eliminating the pain caused from another person, four key scenes show how the lessons learned through relationship experiences are important. At the start of the film, Joel Barish (Jim Carey) finds himself waking up in the morning from what appears to have been a deep sleep. With a sudden urge to ditch the train to work, he catches another train to Montauk on this cold, snowy Valentine’s Day. Both the weather and his personal appearance use strong symbolism for depression and loneliness. Despite his feelings, his attention is quickly captured by a brightly dressed woman that suddenly appears on the beach. To have come out of nowhere is â€Å"meant to suggest, unobtrusively, that she is not purely a stranger, that in some fashion she may already be known to him† (Toles 114). : Though Joel is shy and too scared to approach her, the outgoing Clementine Kruczynski (Kate Winslet) becomes interested in the shy and quiet man on the train ride back from Montauk. As the two begin talking, the audience learns how very different the pair, as Joel comes off as dull and boring while Clementine is outgoing and fun. Once they begin getting acquainted with each other, attraction sets in and develops into a relationship of true opposites. When their relationship of a year goes sour after a fight between them, Clementine chooses to have Joel erased from her mind by a procedure. Joel, heartbroken after discovering what Clementine had done, chooses to have the same procedure done to relieve himself of the pain. One of the first scenes in the movie is the first outing of Joel and Clementine. The two make a late night trip to visit the frozen Charles River. Though Joel is very nervous and unsure about walking out onto the frozen river, Clementine runs and slides past him. After falling and getting up, she then pressures Joel to step out of his comfort zone and to walk out onto the ice. At this point, the outing becomes more than just a part of a romantic date, but also a new experience for Joel. While Joel is normally quiet and to himself about everything, this outing made him get out of his comfort zone and do something he otherwise wouldn’t even think to do. With this being a new experience for him to loosen up and have some fun, such a lesson could provide him a change of pace from the dull and boring routine of his normal life. Another scene in the movie is the fight between Clementine and Joel. Joel is sitting at home worried late one night when Clementine shows up at three in the morning tipsy. She tells Joel that she wrecked his car, which upsets Joel. He begins letting his emotions get the best of him and fires off by telling her how she was being irresponsible and could have seriously injured someone. Responding to the criticism, Clementine tells Joel he sounds like an old lady. The small argument grows larger as the two begin throwing low blows targeting each other’s insecurities. At this point, Clementine quickly grabs her things and leaves. Having a dispute with someone is a part of life. Being in a relationship causes closeness with that other person and allows each to know the other’s insecurities and how to get under their skin to make them upset. When situations break out and things are said that weren’t meant, that experience provides an individual with emotions that are uncomfortable and unforgettable. Dealing with these feelings is an experience to learn from and one to avoid. Although the outcome isn’t always the same, it provides knowledge to handle future situations and make situations and disputes better when they go bad. While undergoing the memory erasing procedure, Joel begins wanting to preserve his memories of Clementine after he slowly starts realizing how happy he was with her. In doing so, he attempts to hide memories of her where they don’t belong, such as in his childhood, in hopes of saving her memory. In one of Joel’s childhood memories, his mother is bathing him in the kitchen sink alongside Clementine. While being bathed, Joel comments on how secure he feels as he is shown being very relaxed and happy. Shortly afterward, his memory is erased which causes a great deal of sadness. The effect of having his childhood memories erased could have great effects on him after the fact. A relationship between a young child and his mother is very crucial in the development of the child. This relationship is among the first and provides social development of how the child will grow up and act. With the positive childhood memory erased, he is not only losing a special moment shared with his mother, but some of the experiences he had that help shape him the way he is. â€Å"It’s as if the loss of a potent childhood memory has resulted in the loss of a childhood itself and rendered senseless the world the memory helped sustain† (Reeve 18). One of the most affectionate love scenes Joel experiences before it becomes erased is a bedroom scene. Clementine and Joel are cuddled up in a bed while an interested Clementine talks sweetly to a sleepy Joel. She insists on getting to know him and wishes he would share things about himself. Describing herself as being like an open book, Clementine tells Joel everything about herself. She then tells Joel that he can be open with her and tell her things too because that’s what intimacy is all about. Joel responds saying he doesn’t have anything because he’s not interesting. Clementine was right about sharing information as it is the basis for a relationship. Knowing a person inside and out is vital in having a stable and healthy relationship. Knowing very little or nothing about a person won’t make for a very long lasting relationship as there won’t be any basis of any type of chemistry other than physical appearance. Being able to open up to others is important not only in intimate relations, but with any relations within society that require communication. While watching the film Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, most viewers interpret the film as a typical romantic drama. Digging deeper past the idea of memory erasing, one finds a message to be taken from the film. That message is to take our past experiences, whether good or bad and learn from them. We as people learn from our mistakes, and in that process we are able to become smarter and know how to handle situations. If our memories were erased, lessons learned would become forgotten and experiences that help shape us as human beings wouldn’t exist. Whether it is taking a risk, handling a dispute, having positive experiences as a child or learning communications skills, they are crucial pieces of information that are needed. No matter how painful a memory might be, the price paid in wisdom gained from an unpleasant experience outweighs knowledge lost from an erased memory. ? Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Dir. Michael Gondry. Perf. Jim Carey and Kate Winslet. Universal, 2004. DVD. Reeve, C. D. C. Two Blue Ruins: Love and Memory in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Print. Rpt. in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. By Christopher Grau. New York: Routledge, 2009. 18. Print. Toles, George. Trying to Remember Clementine. Print. Rpt. in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. By Cristopher Grau. New York: Routledge, 2009. 114. Print.

Friday, November 22, 2019

My Father's Suitcase by orhan pamuk Research Paper

My Father's Suitcase by orhan pamuk - Research Paper Example His father said, â€Å"Just take a look,† slightly embarrassed. â€Å"See if there’s anything in there that you can use. Maybe after I’m gone you can make a selection and publish it† (Pamuk). At that time, Pamuk did not understand the gravity of the situation because he never understood that his father meant death. His story however unfolds as he opens the suitcase to find excellent pieces of writing and literature, something that made him think about his father from a different perspective altogether, something that made him the great writer and man that he is today. Pamuk talks about the characteristics of a writer by incorporating the way his father was; by reading the letters and papers that his father had left behind for him, he forms a different worldview about him. He begins to understand that his father did not take up his writing in order to help the family live a substantial life because his grandfather had been a wealthy businessman and thus Pamuk’s father did not want to disappoint the family by becoming a writer and taking the risk of not being able to earn enough money. He thus kept this personality of his a secret from the rest of the world, and was too scared to display it before he was gone. He was perhaps embarrassed because of the fact that he would have turned out to be a wonderful writer and that he would later feel regret in his life for not having taken up that path when he had the chance. He thus opted for the path of least resistance, the path where he showed his son what kind of a man he actually was, what his inh erent personality revealed about him, and how he could make a difference in his son’s life by showing him all of that. Pamuk writes, â€Å"The lovely Turkish expression â€Å"to dig a well with a needle† seems to me to have been invented with writers in mind. In the old stories, I love the patience of Ferhat, who digs through mountains for his love – and I

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Aramco project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Aramco project - Essay Example The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the largest Arabian state in Western Asia covering a land area of approximately 2,150,000 km2. it is the second largest in the Arab world after Algeria. Its neighboring states are Jordan and Iraq to the north, Kuwait to the northeast, Qatar, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates to the east, Oman to the southeast, and Yemen in the south. Currently the Kingdom has a population of 28.7 million people and is a world leader in the production an export of oil. The country’s national petroleum and natural gas production is called Saudi Aramco. The company is Arabian American and is based in Dhahran. Saudi Aramco is among the largest integrated energy production companies around the globe. Aramco was founded in the year1933, by the Standard Oil Company of California. Saudi Aramco’s is a story of the discovery and development of some of the greatest oil reserves ever known in the world and the rapid transformation of Saudi Arabia from a once desert kingdom to the modern nation-state that we know. Saudi Aramcos value as estimated by the New York Times is approximately $10 trillion and this makes it the most valuable firm globally. Saudi Aramco enjoys more than ten percent of the global market in terms oil supply and controls 98% of Saudi’s oil reserves which in turn represent 25% of the total global oil reserves. Considering that the petroleum sector contributes about 40% of Saudi Arabia’s total Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Saudi Aramco is no doubt a cornerstone in the national economy. As such, Aramco is under intense pressure to remain competitive not only in the kingdom but also internationally. It I for this reason that the company requires a very efficient labor force. It has responded to this demand by developing and implementing a training program known as the Professional Development

Monday, November 18, 2019

DEBATE TIME 15.1 Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

DEBATE TIME 15.1 - Dissertation Example in particular, along with other developing and developed nations. The third scenario talks about the economic development with respect to the healthcare industry. It has been seen that the healthcare sector has proved to be one of the most booming sector in the present and in the near future and contributes about 10% of the GDP in an average. Finally, the fourth scenario talks about healthcare as shared vision. The paper ends through providing a set of recommendation along with conclusion with respect to the future of healthcare sectors. Contents Abstract 2 Introduction 4 Scenario 1 5 Business As usual 5 Scenario 2 6 Hard Times/ Government Pressure 6 Scenario 3 8 Healthcare as an economic development Issue 8 Scenario 4 9 Healthcare as shared vision 9 Conclusion 10 Recommendation 11 References 12 Introduction Healthcare organizations are generally divided into three groups which depend on the financial sponsorship that includes profit, non profit and governmental organization (Goldsmi th, 2005, p. 39). The dynamics of the healthcare sector are both attractive and challenging. In the 21st Century, healthcare industry is the fastest growing sector with a market value of over trillion dollars. However, with changing global environment it has been noted that the healthcare sector has been quite slow in adapting to the new techniques and technologies. Delivering better and efficient healthcare services have become a challenge in the 21st century for the healthcare sector (Comstech, 2011). Thus, with respect to the growth of the healthcare sector, the concept of healthcare marketing is also at a rise. Healthcare marketing can be defined as the process which helps in understanding the needs as well as the wants of the target market. The main purpose is to provide point of view through which organization would integrate, analyze, plan, implement and control the healthcare system (Cooper, 1994, p. 9). The health industry in the year 2012 has been predicted to connect in m any different ways with its consumers and wade through the regulatory, economic and also political uncertainty. It is one of the most pressing issues across the world. While regulatory reform, partnership of public and private sector, and technological challenges are just some of the concerned issues, the ageing population, chronic illness and cost control are some of the other major issues revolving round the healthcare industry (PWC, 2012). Scenario 1 Business As usual Healthcare policy tends to vacillate between the profit making sector and intervention from the government. The high cost of healthcare policies still remains unaltered. But it has been regarded that healthcare business is no longer a â€Å"business as usual† (Stewart, 2012). This is because business as usual is not a good option for the healthcare anymore. The high cost in the healthcare is mostly hurting the businesses as well as the families in need. Thus it becomes necessary for organizations to introduce health insurance at an affordable price without denying the patients and caring for the patients to the level they need. The reason behind the high price of health insurance policies is not the lack of competition among the insurance companies but the high price charged by the systems itself. An example to support this statement can be found in an investigation carried out by Massachusetts Attorney General which revealed that most of the large hospitals as well as group of physicians tend to

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Crimson tide and the aspects of leadership

Crimson tide and the aspects of leadership The film is based on the time period when there was imbalance in Russia. Russian rebel truehearted to their leader had obtained dominance over the installation of some nuclear missile and they are threatening thermonuclear warhead if the Russian government or Americans tried to confront him. In attempt to watch over the delegation, the United States ordered the USS Alabama: a nuclear submarine to be ready to take any action to sustain the strike. Among the Alabama submarine crew was Captain Frank Ramsey, who was the commanding officer and among the very few commanders remaining in the Navy with experience in combat. He chooses Lieutenant Commander Ron Hunter, who was highly educated when it comes to military history and maneuver, however had no experience regarding combat as the Executive Officer (Second in Command). During their embark at sea, latent hostility arose between Ramsey and Hunter due to indifferent personalities, Hunter was more analytic and conservative towards his mission and the men and as for Ramsey, he was more hotheaded, fly-by-the-seat-of-his-pants go about. A satellite report came through to the Americans that the Russians who got the nuclear installation were fueling the missiles, and the Alabama was ordered to plunge its missiles to those Russians. A second message came through for Alabama to disable their missiles, but unfortunately the message was not received by the crew after the communication unit was badly destroyed by the Russian submarine attack. The Alabama was too deep to restore communication and had just been hit and there was an outstanding order to launch the missiles, thus Captain Ramsey opted to continue with the order they had at the time which was authenticated. Hunter on the other hand was against the missile launch and tried to win over support from Rams ey to confirm the second message before proceeding with the launch, because he had hope that it was possibly an abjuration of the previous command. Hunter argued that even if they launched the missiles later than expected other US submarines in the area would proceed with the mission as per the fleets redundancy protocol measures. As the situation in the command became intense, Ramsey presents Hunter as an upstart graduate from Harvard who does not honor his place in the chain of command. There came a point where Ramsey wanted to excuse Hunter from being a Second in Command, just because Hunter was still against the launch of the missiles. Instead Ramsey was arrested in the attempt to outsmart the protocols regarding the launch of the nuclear. The Chief of the Boat agreed with Hunter and proceeded with the arrest of Ramsey though they were old friends, and he was taken from the Con and locked in his bedroom. Though the Alabama crew was shaken order was retained. The Russian submarine re-emerged just as Hunter was undertaking the effort to corroborate the second message concerning the missile launch. An underwater combat resulted and the Russian submarine was destroyed, and unfortunately the Alabama got damaged badly. The ship lost its communications, deaths of several crew members were encountered, and the boat nearly sank past its crush depth which resulted from the water which had entered into the boat after the hit from the combat with the Russians. As Hunter was waiting for the communications to be reestablished, some officers who were loyal to the Captain left the Con altogether. With the help of the loyal officers, Ramsey managed to get out of the place where he was held in attempt to present Hunter with charges of rebellion, placing the Executive Officer and officers who served with him under arrest. The launching of the missiles was nearly successful hadnt it been for the weapon officer who was persuaded to stall or delay Ramsey, whi le Hunter was in the mission of recapturing the bridge, among him was his main drafted staff officers. In the end, a tie resulted, thus the officers who had disputes agreed to wait until the last potential second to plunge the missiles. At long last the communications were up to speed and it was discovered that the Russian army had stabilized the situation and the Russian rebellions had been subjugated, thus no need to continue with the order of launching Americans missiles. At the end of the movie, a review took place at Pacific Fleet headquarters in Hawaii where various admirals conveyed serious concerns about the collapse of command which took place in the Alabama and during the wartime concerning the launching of the nuclear missiles. Ramsey finally decided to withdraw from the Navy and advocated Hunter for the command. The two men (Hunter and Ramsey) settled their disputes at the end of the film. WHO IS/ARE THE LEADERS IN THE MOVIE There are two main leaders namely: Gene Hackman playing Captain Frank Ramsey: an old white male, navy veteran, probably in his fiftys. Denzel Washington playing Lieutenant Commander Ron Hunter: a young African-American male fresh off Harvard University. THE LEADER (S)S ROLE IN THE MOVIE Lieutenant Commander Hunter played a number of roles in the Crimson tide film which included him being in the submarine to make sure that Captain Ramsey made the correct choices, for example, the launching of the nuclear missiles. Looking at the situation, Ramsey was going to go ahead and launch the missiles without confirming the second message which was interrupted by the damage from the Russian rebels. Going through with the launch of the missiles would have caused a nuclear warhead which was prevented due to Hunters judgment. Also Hunter played a role of being a complementary leader towards Ramsey, that is, he provided certain leadership aspects which Ramsey lacked. Those aspects includes, Hunter being a motivator, in the film we concluded that Ramsey was a strict and arrogant leader who never motivated his crew, but with the influence from Hunter, Ramsey gave a motivational speech after the crew restored all operations after the Russian attack. The other aspect that Ramsey lacke d was compassion towards his crew, but Hunter stepped in and showed compassion to his fellow submarines after a few crew members lost their lives in the lower compartment in the boat. Last but not least, Ramsey was impatient, he could not wait for the communication unit to restore their systems for the second message to come through and insisted on proceeding with the missile launch, whereas Hunter possessed that ability and was willing to put on hold the idea of going ahead with the order at hand (of launching the nuclear missiles). Hunters choice to wait turned out to be the best choice because if it has not been for him, the Alabama attack would have cause the start of a nuclear war. On the other hand, Ramseys roles included testing the loyalty of the boats crew, that is, had he not been there none of the conflicts between him and Hunter would not have arose, and there would not have been a time where the officers in charge had to choose sides over the boats authority. Officers choosing sides made confirmation on who was following the right protocol in the launch of the nuclear missiles, for examples, the crew under Ramsey just followed the protocol to some extent and ignored the one which was to confirm what the second command said before going ahead with the previous order, whereas the ones under Hunter did everything buy the books. Also Ramseys purpose was to make sure that everyone was prepared in case of a combat with the rebels. To support that, he carried down a number of drills in the boat during their journey at sea to ensure that everyone stayed focused no matter what, also before they left the base and while they were on the ship he made a few speeches about the situation at hand, and one of the speech when like this, we are here to preserve democracy, not to practice it. EXPLAIN THE CONTEXT FOR EACH INCIDENT RELATING TO LEADERSHIP ASPECTS IN THE SYNOPSIS INCIDENTS WITHING THE MOVIE INVOLVING THE LEADER(S) There were a number of incidents that took place during the mission to Russia within the USS Alabamas crew that involved either Hunter or Ramsey or both of them, below are some of those incidents: There was a time when two of the crew members got into a fight over comic books, at the time Hunter was only a few feet away from the two men but could see what was happening. When the two were stopped by one of the crew members, Hunter pulled the other one involved in the fight (the supervisor) aside and tried to understand the cause of the fight, and when he fully understood what the quarrel was all about he advised the supervisor that in cases of quarrels he should know how to handle the situation since he was also a leader and should lead by example. The supervisor promised to handle disputes better next time, and was once again calm and proceeded to his assigned post. The other incident involving one of the leaders was when Hunter rushed down to the kitchen during the fire to try and sustain the situation. This is a sign that he does not interact with the crew during times of issuing commands only, he came to an aid of his followers whereas Ramsey was busy launching a drill and not caring about what Hunter had to say about the fire downstairs. INCIDENTS AND THE LEADER(s)S INTERACTION WITHIN THE CONTEXT OF THE MOVIE Ramsey was a blind follower, he did almost everything without questioning whereas Hunter was the opposite of that (he followed orders but he did question the authority where he felt it necessary). One example which comes to mind is where they were discussing about war, Ramsey felt that when it came to war if there was a threat made, the only action or measures to be taken was to attack first, he was more of a shoot first and ask questions later type of person. On the other hand, Hunter thought that attacking the opposition party in war would make the situation worse, as he believed that, in a nuclear world, true enemy cannot be destroyed as the true enemy is war itself. The second incident where the two leaders interacted was when the Alabama was hit and the second message which was to be received aboard from the headquarters was interrupted. When the boat was stable from the hit, Captain Ramsey wanted to proceed with the order at hand which was to continue with the launching of the nuclear missiles. But Hunter being the Executive Officer he refused to concur the order because they were unsure of what the incoming message said and a huge argument arose. The argument led to Ramsey wanting to relieve Hunter of his duty, but due to some regulations, Hunter managed to turn the tables and had Ramsey removed from the Con to his stateroom by the Chief of the Boat. This incident shows that both men are firm in what they each believe in. For example, Ramsey is more concerned about the worst that could happen if they are not able to continue with the missile launch well on time, i.e. before the Russian rebels launch the attack, while Hunter is concerned about the worst that could happen if they actually do proceed with the launching while there is no longer a threat from the Russian rebels. Both men were not about to be deterred from their logic regarding the matter, in which both were respectively right in their own ways. Last but not least, was the incident which took place in the kitchen. There was a fire in the kitchen and while Hunter was busy maintain the situation downstairs, Ramsey decided on carrying out a drill, and Hunter being the second in command had to rush back upstairs to the Con to repeat the order. When he got there he tried to explain to the Captain that is not a good time to be running the drill as the situation in the kitchen was still in the process of being fully contained, but captain being a suborn man, he dismissed Hunters complaint and continued with the drill. He later met with Hunter at his stateroom and told him that the next time he wanted to question him, he should not do it in front of the crew, that he should wait for the right time (when they are alone) to present the matter at hand. But later on Ramsey shouted at Hunter in front of the crew in the Con, which shows that Ramsey only comply by the books where the rules favors him only. Also, this shows that Ramsey show little or no concern over his crew members as he carried out the drill though there was fire downstairs. KNOW YOUR LEADER(S)S BEHAVOUR AND CHARACTERISTICS In this part we will be looking at the different and similar leadership characteristics that Hunter and Ramsey possess either bad or good. Commander Hunter Caution: this can be defined as showing careful forethought. This is illustrated in the film where Hunter gave Rivetti the keys to the officers stateroom and other cabins in case Ramsey and his men were to lock them up, and it did happen. Hunter and his officers were arrested and Rivetti came to their rescue. Optimistic: is expecting or presenting the best possible outcome in a given solution. Hunter displays this characteristic when the second message was interrupted. He refused to agree with Ramsey to continue launching the nuclear missiles because he was expecting the good news from the headquarters, and indeed the results came up positive, that they should abort the previous mission. NaÃÆ'Â ¯ve: Not initiated; deficient in relevant experience. Ramsey and other officers who were loyal to him believed that Hunter was not experienced enough to make the decisions regarding the combat. Well, partly that was true because he had no practical experience in the field; all he knew was what he read in the military books. Nevertheless, he managed to sustain all the possible distractions in the boat. Ambitious: Having a strong desire for success or achievement or requiring full use of your abilities or resources. This is true for Hunter because he wanted to know what the second message was saying, and he made sure that he did. He made it his number one priority to make sure of it, he kept calling Vossler to confirm the progress on the communications. He had hardship in making sure that those communications were working, he was even hit by Ramsey but he did not give up on the communication, at long last Ramsey gave them a time frame to fix the communications. At long last a transmission came true and the message was received and a new order/mission was read which was to stop the missile launch. Captain Ramsey Overconfident: it is a good sign for a leader to be confident (being positive), but as for Ramsey he happen to be very confident which happens to be a bad aspect because overconfident can blind a leaders ability to think twice. This is illustrated in the film, where he did not give a second thought to stopping the missiles, even after Hunter presented him with many reasons not to continue with the order at hand; he ignored then and went ahead with the launch. Hadnt he had been overconfident; he would have took the time to review Hunters suggestions. Impatient: can be defined as full of eagerness, Captain Ramsey was a very impatient man, he was keen to proceeding with order or anything he felt was right at the time. For example, even after the fire in the kitchen he was eager to proceed with the drill even after being told of the situation downstairs, just because he had planned for that drill and did not want to wait until the situation with the fire was fully maintained. The other incident was when he just wanted to continue with the nuclear missile launch, even after the boat had just been hit and the incoming message was interrupted. He wanted to proceed with the launch with confirming the second message. Unpredictable: Not capable of being foretold. With Ramsey no one could actually tell what his next step would be. For example, first time he met with Hunter it was like the two would get along just fine, but when they got to the ship his attitude towards Hunter changed from time to time until the time he made it clear that he was not keen of him because he did not have any experience about the combat, and because unlike him, he had to work hard to obtain that position while Hunter got it because he was a Harvard graduate. The other example is when lost his temper towards Hunter and shouted at him in front of the crew, meanwhile he asked Hunter not to address him in front of the crew. Strict: Incapable of compromise or flexibility. Captain Ramsey was not keen to any suggestions or advises, he wanted to do things his own way only. DESCRIBE AND DISCUSS WHY THE LEADERSHIP BEHAVIOUR WAS EFFECTIVE OR INEFFECTIVE Effective: Exerting force or influence Ineffective: Lacking the ability or skill to perform effectively; inadequate LEADERSHIP BEHAVIOURS TASK ORIENTED A task-oriented leader is focused on accomplishments and if the leader is able to show the skills and commitment to his followers, obtaining a specific task wont be a difficult matter. That is, if the supervisor was to lead by example in doing a task I believe his followers would not hesitate to do the same, for example, during the fire in the kitchen, Hunter rushed there in an attempt to save the personnel that were inside and others did likewise. If he had not been there no one would have risked his life to go into the fire especially after they were told by others that it was too hot, but nevertheless Hunter just went right inside. Another example is when Lt Paul Hellerman was ordered to close the hatch. There was a time when he was hesitating to follow the order, but Hunter paused and put himself in Hellermans shoes (how he must have felt thinking about leaving his man to die down there) and tried to talk to him bravely that if he did not close the hatch, the whole crew would go down with the submarine rather than if he close the hatch and only a few are lost. After a short period of time Hellerman decided to close the hatch to save others so as for them to continue with the mission. RELATION ORIENTED A relationship oriented leaders focus on the relationships among the teams members. This can be indicated in the film where Ramsey talked to his officer to gather other officers so they could go and restore control over the Con. Another example is when Hunter was lenient toward Rivetti after his encounter with another crew member , just being lenient made Rivetti to have respect towards Hunter and trust him, which was why he came to Hunters rescue (because of the relationship they just built during that short time). In general Commander Hunter had a friendly relationship with almost half of the boats crew, and with those relationships they all helped him to accomplish his mission, hadnt he been friendly and understanding none of them would have come to his rescue. PARTICIPATIVE ORIENTED A participative oriented leader relies mostly in the leader being/ operating as an implementer rather than just issuing order or making assignments. If we look at the Captain we could conclude that he was not a participative leader because there is not even one incident where he actually got involved in any of the tasks carried out in the boat. CHANGE AGENT CAPABILITIES Reflecting back to the movie, I would say both leaders did not have any change capability because both men had strong believes in their actions, they were firm in what they each believed in. neither Ramsey nor Hunter wanted to change his way of operating. One of the examples is when Hunter thought it would be best if the Captain acknowledged the crew for their hard work and commitment in obtained order after the hit, but the captain gave a speech he would give any other day., which shows that he was not willing to change his style just for a minutes. Another example involves Hunter, as mentioned above, he was keen to questioning authority where he felt necessary but there were a few occasions when Ramsey wanted him to just perform orders at hand without questioning, but due to the fact that he was not used to that, he refused to accommodate that thought. With this kind of attitude we could conclude that the leaders were ineffective because they could not agree in one aspect, they alw ays wanted things to be done their ways, they never compromised. IDENTIFY AND EXPLAIN ATLEAST TWO DIFFERENT INCIDENTS INVOLVING THE SAME LEADER(S). IF THE INCIDENTS INVOLVE TWO INDIVIDUALS/ A GROUP MAKING A DECISION, LEADERSHIP BEHAVIOUR BY THE DIFFERENT INDIVIDUAL CAN BE IDENTIFIED EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF THE TWO DIFFERENT SELECTED INCIDENTS The two incidents that have been chosen are when a group of officers met outside the weapon unit on how they were going to rescue the captain from his hold-up place, and the one where Hunter and his officers were locked up in the officers cabinet. INVOLVEMENT OF THE SELECTED LEADER(s) WITHIN THE INCIDENT AND MAKING DECISION WITHIN THE TEAM, GROUP AND INDIVIDUAL Regarding the case where Hunter and other officers were locked up, Hunter was involved in the decision making that took place in the cabinet which was how to get full control over the Con. He planned for Rivetti to come and rescue them, and after that he asked him to gather a number of trusted crew members who would help in their mission. After the gathering and acquiring of the weapons and uniforms, he drew up a strategic way of how they could access the Captain Key and stop the launch of the missiles without being disrupted. In the second incident, Captain Ramsey had a conversation with one of his trusted officer to help him escape from his stateroom and obtain back his post from Hunter. They concluded that the best option was to recruit a few officers involving Webs who was a friend to the Commander. The officer carried out the order and the 4 officers helped the captain escape and selected the few that were loyal to Hunter and put all of them under arrest. CHARISMATIC AND TRANSFORMATIONAL ROLES Hunter had a way of attracting and making crew members change their minds on certain aspects, and this was all because he had good interpersonal skills which helped him deal with others well despite their authority level. For example, he was able to convinced Webs to stall the captain from launching the missiles even though Webs had helped in his arrest, as he himself went after the captain key. Another example is when he got the captain arrested, even though Cob was Ramseys old friend, after Hunter had explained the outcomes of launching the missiles without confirming the second message and the stating the regulations Chief of the Boat agreed with him to relieve Ramsey of his duty. CRITICALLY ANALYZE EACH OF THE TWO/ MORE INCIDENTS AND CONSIDER OTHER OPTIONS THE LEADER(s) COULD HAVE CONSIDERED AND MADE MANAGERIAL TRAITS AND SKILLS This topic deals with the responsibilities and abilities of a leader. One of the leaders (Ramsey) was impatient, and he being impatient could have led to a start of a nuclear warhead, he could have just given the communication unit some time to restore the boats systems before he could engage in the launching of the missile, which could have prevented an outbreak between him and Hunter. Secondly, a leader should learn to minimize his confidence level as overconfidence could enable them to think twice before handling a situation. If Ramsey was able to lower his confidence he could have listened to Hunters concerns and thought through the idea of launching the missile. SUMMARY In conclusion, there are two main types of management styles in Crimson Tide film: one leader who did things his own way (Ramsey) and the other one did things but the book (Hunter). And the two leaders had to make serious decisions and neither made it easy for the other one, despite the many disputes that arose when they were aboard in the USS Alabama they reconciled at the end. The reconcilement shows that they were good leaders because a good leader should be able to admit to his mistakes owning to them.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Why Do Teenagers Smoke :: essays research papers

WHY DO TEENAGERS SMOKE? There is an urgent need to make non-smoking appear cool and desirable. The number of people lighting up is on the rise.In 1986, when the first National Health and Mobility Survey was carried out by the Ministry of Health to find out the number of smokers, the figure stood at 21.5 per cent. However, in the last study published in 1996, the number of smokers rose to 24.8 per cent.Of these figures, those aged between 15 and 24 in 1986 made up 11.5 per cent. In 1996, the age barrier shifted to between 18 and 24. Yet the percentage increased to 33.6 per cent, proving that young smokers are lighting up more, influenced by their elders and trying to fit into the the image of cool as depicted by their movie and music idols. One doesn’t start smoking because of it seductive power. Most beginners do not enjoy their first try but rather suffer a bitter taste, bad smell, a cough and a money lose. One doesn’t feel a high soaring feeling. One actually has to over come this uncomfortable feeling to continue smoking. The reasons to start are mainly social and psychological and are not connected to the enjoyment itself. So the way to deal with it must be educationally and emotionally. Rehabilitation is hard and complex as it creates a physical and emotional dependency. It is much easier to work on avoidance. So we will examine why do youths start smoking. The first feelings are uncomfortable- a bitter taste in the mouth, bad smell and a caugh. What motivates the youth to overcome these feelings, and to continue smoking until their addicted? Some claim that kids slip into smoking out of immaturity or impulsiveness. But even adolescents have some logic which is social and psychological. The addiction is both physical and mental. The body adjusts to the Nicotine and craves it when it’s missed. But the main addiction is mental. The proof is found among Shabbat observers who can abstain from smoking the whole Shabbat. So it mainly depends on the habits a person has. Rehabilitation must include energies such as the Jewish law to restrain habits that have become a person’s second nature. More and more smokers claim they want to quit. In an American poll 70% adolescent smoker claimed they wouldn’t have started if they could choose to again and two thirds want to quit. Most cannot quit. The health ministry’s pole from the beginning of the year showed that 58% of the smokers who tried to quit failed.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Critical Thinking and Its Beneficial Use Essay

There are nuggets of wisdom about life that tell of applicable truths about it. We can surely find an array of them: â€Å"live like there’s no tomorrow†, â€Å"do good and avoid evil†, â€Å"do not do unto others what you do not want others do unto you†, among others. But there is one adage about life that most people – if not all people – will personally come across as they grow old in life. It goes by the phrase, â€Å"life is the best teacher in the world. † Even modern schools of thought accede to this; for one cannot simply dismiss the truth that lies in the fact that â€Å"experience†¦is a major resource in learning situations† (Brookfield, 1986, p. 38). True enough, there are experiences in life that teach vital lessons. They can figure in the learning one draws from school, or the decisions one takes on oneself, or even mistakes one commits in the process. But learning from the past does not necessarily have to translate to committing so many indecisions and mistakes in life. While learning generally stems from the lessons one draws from the past, one does not always have to commit mistakes to know which decision works or not. There can be a lot of things at stake and far many more things to lose were one to put on an attitude of laxity in facing life. Surely, life may allow certain latitude for mistakes; but the general thumb-rule about it runs by the premise that one engages first in thoughtful consideration of possibilities and consequences before making a major decision. As it were, this is where critical thinking comes in. Critical Thinking: Its Nature and Aspects Critical thinking is basically an exercise involving correct reasoning. At the very least, critical thinking is done to arrive at a correct judgment over matters that may or may not lead to a certain kind of decision. Thomson would define critical thinking as an exercise that is â€Å"centrally concerned with giving reasons for one’s beliefs and actions, analyzing and evaluating one’s own and other people’s reasoning, devising and constructing better reasoning† (Thomson, 2002, p. 2. Fundamentally, critical thinking is a process and not a possession of an immediate or intuitive knowledge. One does not usually engage in critical thinking if he or she is not willing to undergo its meticulous process – a process which may involve the following activities: recognition of the problem, gathering of facts, analyzing gathered data, evaluation of other possibilities, and, last but not least, drawing logical conclusions (Thomson, 2002, p. 2). According to Thomson, there are at least three major aspects involved in critical thinking. First, to think critically means analyze the kind of reasoning one submits. In this process, one is enjoined to â€Å"pick out those features of language which tell us that reasoning is taking place† (Thomson, 2002, p. 5). It must be remembered that reasoning is done on a daily basis. Which is why, one needs to discern the nature of reasoning one encounters – whether it is descriptive, analytic, or in many cases, argumentative. The second aspect is the assessment or evaluation of the correctness of the reasoning. Assessment is quite important in the critical thinking process since it entails reviewing all the facts being presented as bases for arguments. â€Å"Assessment,† says one book on learning, is â€Å"a process of reasoning from evidence† (Pellegrino, et. al. , 2001, p. 42). Too often, one’s reasoning becomes correct or not based on the way one assumes judgments over facts. It is therefore important to get into what the facts tell. After all, facts don’t lie; and for one to use them as vital for critical thinking, facts are must observed well, interpreted reasonably and understood correctly (Pellegrino, et. al, 2001, p. 44). The third aspect is about drawing conclusions – logical conclusions that is. Usually, any kind of reasoning will have both premises and conclusions. One’s task is to see the coherence of the premises (gathered from facts or observations) with the conclusions (usually comes as judgments or decisions being made over something) being forwarded. Critical thinking has to end up making a kind of judgment after all things are considered. But at the end of this process, one must always remember that the repercussions of one’s judgment shall measure the amount of critical thinking one has engaged in before making decision. The fruit, they often say, does not fall far from the tree. By Way of Conclusion: Exercising Critical Thinking in Life The profession that I have requires a lot of critical thinking as well. Being assigned as a security manager for a defense contracting company, I am tasked to oversee the performance of at least five to seven persons under my care. I realized that handling people is not like sitting on some paper works or transcripts. To manage people means to give an ear to many of their reports and assessments. Since as persons, they are entitled to act on their particular judgments, it is my task to be critical about what they tell me. Too often, I see myself evaluating if a person has to be fired from his or her post after committing serious errors in the field. Yet there are instances too when I would find sufficient reasons to give an erring employee another chance depending on circumstances that defined the moment. Either way, I am required to be very careful about the situation, and exercise critical thinking for that matter. My experiences made me realize that critical thinking has two important benefits. First, it reduces the possibility of errors. Since my job involves a lot of decision making not only about the nature of jobs that need to be done, but also the way my people should do them, I have to avoid as many mistakes as possible. A mistake of firing an employee for instance may have serious repercussions not only for the company for also for the family of the employee I fire. Critical thinking – and all the processes that it entails: recognition, assessment or evaluation of facts, and drawing logical conclusions – helps me a lot in minimizing the possibility of committing a very bad decision. Second, I came to appreciate critical thinking as a good way to make my decisions logical and objective. Many times, I am faced with decisions over people. As much as I want to be very objective about them, I am also faced with the fact that I can operate based on my personal biases about people. Critical thinking enables me to dwell on the facts, and base my decisions not so much on the basis of personalities, but on account of results or issues. Works Cited Brookfield, S. (1986). Understanding and Facilitating Adult Learning. California: Jossey-Bass. Pellegrino, J, Chudowsky, N. & Glaser, R. (2001). Knowing What Students Know. Washington, DC: National Academy. Thomson, A. (2002). Critical Reasoning. A Practical Introduction. New York: 2002.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Personal Finance Essay

1. Are you considered a default risk? How would a lender evaluate you based on â€Å"the five C’s† of character capital, collateral, and conditions? How could you plan to make yourself more attractive to a lender in the future? I do not believe I would be considered a Default Risk because I have a good credit score and I try to pay off what I spend on my credit cards that same month or fairly quickly so I don’t have to pay high interest rates. Based on the five C’s†¦ Character-I would be considered as a good character due to employment, residential, and repayment history. Capacity- I try not to carry high balances on my credit cards, therefore, my debt obligation is fairly low. Capital-Capital would be considered mediocre due to my asset and collateral base. Collateral- I would no have much collateral because most of my assets are in my spouses name. Conditions-I may be considered a risk under conditions considering I work for the auto industry. To make myself more attractive to a lender, I would probably use my credit cards more often and build up my credit history to make it stronger. I would also add my name to my spouses mortgage because he owned the home before he met me. I would also increase my income by working full-time opposed to part-time that way I could show that I would be able to afford to have a higher balance on my credit card. 2. Identify the last two items (consumer goods and durable goods) you purchased. Alternatively, select any two items you purchased during the last two months. Choose diverse items and analyze each item interms of the following factors: a. Why did you buy that item? How did you decide what to get? I recently bought an Ipad and a new pair (good) of running shoes. I bought the Ipad basically for a portable electronic reading device and something I bring with to keep up with my school work and it will also assist me with my job at work. I also decided to buy a really good pair of running shoes for walking & jogging. I usually purchase shoes that cost around $40-$50 but have never been happy with them. Where did you get your information about the item? I did a lot of research online and I also asked some of my peers who have these items their opinions and I also read reviews. Where did you go to buy the item? I bought my Ipad at the Apple store and I bought my shoes online. In what kind of market did you make your purchase? The market seems to be picking up so I would say it is a striving market. Where did the money come from for your purchase? I used money that was given to me as a gift from my parents to buy the Ipad and the shoes came from money I earned at work. How much did you pay for the item, and how did you pay for it? The Ipad was approximately $400.00 and the shoes were approximately $150.00 h. How would you rate your satisfaction with your purchase? I am very happy with both of my purchases. I am glad I did the research before I bought them and sometimes it’s better to get the more expensive item because I do believe you get what you pay for. i. If or when you purchase that type of item again, what might you do differently? The only thing I would do differently is be a little more patient and wait for the items to go on sale or find a coupon to use. 3. For a car you would like to drive, calculate and compare what it would cost you to buy it and to lease it. Use the Lease versus Buy Calculator athttp://www.leaseguide.com/leasevsbuy.htm. What would be the advantages of owning the car? What would be the advantages of leasing it? For your lifestyle, needs, and uses of a vehicle, should you buy or lease? 2014 Ford Explorer to lease it for 24 month, 12,000 miles per year with an A-Plan discount and $2500 down payment the payment would be $335 per month. To Purchase the vehicle on a 60 month loan with $2500 down would be $589 per month. The advantages of buying a vehicle is that it is a major investment, better finance rates, you do not have worry about miles, you can sell it to recover some equity or trade it in to purchase something new, you can keep it as long as you would like. It is your vehicle once it is paid off. The advantages of leasing a vehicle would be a low monthly payment, no down payment, getting a new car more often, fewer maintenances concerns, not having to worry about selling the vehicle, and GAP coverage is usually included if the vehicle is totaled. In our family we do both we have one vehicle we purchased and one we lease. I do not drive a lot of miles and I work at a dealership so I like to get a new vehicle every 2 years. I also like not having to worry about the vehicle breaking down etc†¦ We also own a vehicle so we do not have to worry about going over mileage if we take road trips, we have something that is ours to use as equity and we have a very good interest rate. 4. You are considering purchasing an existing single-family house for $200,000 with a 20 percent down payment and a thirty-year fixed-rate mortgage at 5.5 percent. a. What would be your monthly mortgage payment? The payment would be $908.46 per month. b. If you decided to buy two points for a rate of 5 percent, how much would you save in monthly payments? Would it  be worth it to buy the points? Why, or why not? The payment would be $888.75 and yes it would be worth it because you are saving $22.71 per month and that would add up over a 30-year period to $8175.60. c. When should you consider an adjustable-rate mortgage? If you are only planning on having a mortgage for a short time it would be wise to consider an adjustable-rate mortgage because the rate stays the same for 5 years then it could change afterwards either or the better or the rates could go up significantly.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Fight For Wright essays

Fight For Wright essays Richard Wright was brought up in a life of poverty, violence, and racism, so he obviously experienced these things first hand. Wright uses his essay to relay the message to black people that it is time to revolt against whites. In The Ethics of Living Jim Crow Wright uses his organization and an emotional appeal to persuade his readers to rise up and take action. Wright uses several appeals to emotion that relate to helplessness in his essay. One example is when he describes the black woman being mistreated by the two white men. One morning while polishing brass out front, the boss and his twenty-yr-old son got out of the car and half dragged half kicked a Negro woman into the store. A policeman standing on the corner looked on twirling his night-stick. I watched out of the corner of my eye, never slackening the strokes of my chamois upon the brass . . .. Later the woman stumbled out, bleeding, crying, and holding her stomach. (302) Wright is forced to stand and watch as the two men drag out of the car and into the store the defenseless woman. This relays a feeling of helplessness to the reader because he can do nothing to help her, and if he tries, the same is likely to happen to him. By incorporating this into his essay, Wright shows how black people could just be abused without any consequence whatsoever. He also uses this example to an ger the black people, so that they will want to rebel and not have to deal with these problems any longer. Another appeal Wright makes to helplessness is when he uses the story about the white night-watchman where he works. As we passed the night-watchman, he slapped the maid on her buttock. I turned around, amazed. The watchman looked at me with a long, hard, fixed-under state. Suddenly he pulled his gun and asked: Nigger, dont yuh like it? I asked yuh dont yuh like it? He asked again, stepping forward. ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Business Management - Diverse Workforce Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Business Management - Diverse Workforce - Essay Example Equal opportunities in may just be a way of making it more palatable in today's climate, may be used to revitalize the equal opportunities agenda (Dickson and Hargie 2003). Also, the manager can cultivate diverse workforce organizational assessment, effective recruiting rules and norms and alternative work arrangements. Managing diversity is usually associated with the creation of a strong corporate culture with an emphasis on commitment, and it is inevitably portrayed as having a strategic and integrated focus. The main challenges faced by a company involve attempts to manage diverse workforce and create positive corporate climate, low cohesiveness and communication problems caused by cultural and language differences, group tension and negative stereotyping (Bateman et al 2003). The main difference between leading and managing is found in management functions managing involves maximization of the output of organization through effective management tools and methods. In contrast, leading is aimed to induce and motivate employees to work towards group goals with confidence and keenness. A leader's actions are devoted to helping a group to attain its objectives. Leading also implies that the leader accepts responsibility for the achievement of the group objective and it is therefore essential for trust and co-operation from both sides to be in evidence all the time. "Leading is focused on influencing people, while the other functions are focused on "resources" in addition to people" (McNamara, 2007). Every effective organization must lead in technology to meet changing economic environment and market demands. Out-of-date technology may lead to plant failure and consequent delays in production. Its new technology achievements and overall business strategy, pote ntial and capability to support high performance environments are the key elements for future developments. Technological forces generate problem-solving inventions. In many cases, technology helps to join material resource and human resources, and fastens this process. Every effective organization must lead in technology in order to resist competition and remain competitive in future. Also, technology allows companies to reduce operational costs and increase productivity. Team Management Effective teamwork depends upon a number of factors including motivation, mutual understanding, cohesiveness and team spirit. A manager can build a cohesive team using (1) different communication methods which allow team members to share experiences, (2) diversity training activities, (3) retreats. Teams react to success. Just as success can enhance self-confidence and release energy potential for individuals, it also can help develop cohesion and camaraderie in groups. An example of this was reported on the basis of undersea marine research teams. Each successful undersea mission, according to the account, led to increased team cohesion. Thus, building a high-performing team is difficult, particularly if the team is working on a variety of tasks and, possibly, line activities at the same time. Therefore, the deliberate use of competitive strategies to enhance work motivation and teamwork requires planning and control. In this case, communication plays a pivotal role helping team mem bers and a leader to solve problem and share experiences (Bateman et al 2003). Intergroup Conflict Intergroup conflict occurs because of incompatibility

Saturday, November 2, 2019

The importance of project plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The importance of project plan - Essay Example Planning a project involves the final project and all the support activities that assist in accomplishing the finished work. It also includes all the engineering, acquisition work and the management processes of the project. Any documentation and technical or non technical exchange of knowledge with the contractors also form part of the planning stage. Planning of any project also involves the cost estimates of the tools, facilities, consultancy, labor and interproject coordination that are involved while carrying out the project. Scheduling of a project involves identifying the internal dependencies and other external dependencies with a view of finding out how the sequence of events will follow in the completion of the project. It also involves identifying any constraints so that a project manager is able to give a window for unforeseen events. Scheduling can be done through using the Critical Path Analysis and the Gantt charts. Good and proper administrative work assist also in keeping records which can be used for future reference, they can act as tools for evaluation and a very effective way of communication. Any project manager must be able to do a documentation of the resources that they are using such as the schedule, quality, resources and the cost documentation of the whole project. A schedule document is a document that entails all the activities of the project as they are undertaken, when they should start and when they are expected to end. This information is usually represented in form of networ k diagrams; bar charts and tabular reports. Such kind of charts includes the Critical Path Analysis charts and the Gantt charts (Tinnirello 2000, 42). Cost documentation should also be undertaken to find out the cost effectiveness of a project .It involves documenting the actual expenses against the planned expenses in form of table up to a given point of the project. An S- curve is also normally drawn and it usually shows the differences in the actual expenditure and planned expenditure of the project. Quality documentation is also an important aspect of any project management. It deals with checking the quality of the work whether the work meets the set specifications or the customers set standards. The quality of work is normally reflected in form of diagrams, charts and matrices. The charts show the past and future performances of the work done .Other diagrams that are used include the Pareto, line and scatter graphs and these diagrams are normally show errors as they have occurred. Resource documentation refers to assigning and usage facilities, tools and supplies made .The usage of organizational charts and resource reports are used by the project managers to identify how they are being used. A project manger must be able to allocate and schedule tasks at the same time and where there are more resources than required, then the tasks must be scheduled. Resource leveling is a methodology that is used for rescheduling thus reducing potential conflicts. Quality Standards Quality refers to the ability of a project to conform to the set specifications or whether the project meets the standards set by the customer. Conformance means that control measures in developing a project must be put into place so that

Thursday, October 31, 2019

A talk on Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

A talk on Security - Essay Example and spectacular risks are exaggerated whereas common risks are downplayed, what is not known is taken to be riskier than the common, risks that are personified are taken to be bigger than unspecified risks and lastly people tend to underestimate risks in conditions they have control over and overestimate risks in conditions they are not able to control. Thus cognitive biases act as filters that exist between reality and us. Reality and feeling get different and one either has got a feeling of being more secure; which is a false sense of course or feels insecure which is just, but another false sense .A model can aptly describe this situation. A model is mostly based on reason and feeling is on the basis of our intuition. A model is therefore needed to comprehend the different kind of risks we face and is usually restricted by our cognitive biases .Models can come from various areas such as our elected officials, media, industry, science and so on. Models can also change and as we get more contented in our environments, our model soon moves close to our feelings. Security can also be said to be dependent on the observer, the objective here being whether we get to notice. Thus the reality and feeling of security tend to come together when people take notice, but diverge when they do not. People need correct information to understand security, since the more they know, the more likely they are to make better trade-offs. It is also crucial for security designers to be informed to thwart propagandists from manipulating people’s feelings of security for their own

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Stephen Colbert on American Jobs Essay Example for Free

Stephen Colbert on American Jobs Essay They range from jobs to energy to healthcare, and of course, they are all written in a satirical sense. In the second chapter, Colbert and his writers talk about jobs in America. They discuss the problem of jobs being shipped overseas to countries like India and China and Colbert puts forth his â€Å"solutions† to the problems, which mostly include setting up sweatshops in America. He also talks about job interviews and how to be successful at them. Colbert and his staff of writers use a wide range of comic techniques in the book as a whole and in the chapter on jobs to satirize the American culture and government. One comic technique Colbert uses in the jobs chapter is reduction. Reduction is essentially belittling or degrading someone. Near the beginning of the chapter, there is a picture of Barack Obama being captioned as Jimmy Carter. While Jimmy Carter was a decent president and many historians agree that he didn’t do anything bad, he is widely remembered for not doing much of anything during his one term as president except failing to get the Americans that were being held hostage in Iran out safely. Barack Obama has a similar record of inactivity in his first term, so the book captions Obama as Carter to essentially say that Obama didn’t do much in his first term as president. Throughout the chapter and the whole book, Colbert and his writers use pictures to their advantage. This is a common technique in satire because it’s easy to get your message across using pictures. They are usually fairly simple, quick to look at, and easy to understand the meaning of. Colbert also uses caricatures to his advantage in the chapter on jobs. A caricature is usually some sort of picture of the person or group being satirized with their more unsightly features being greatly exaggerated. It is a common technique used by satirists. Near the beginning of the chapter, there is a picture of an Indian woman going through the Kama Sutra exercises, a very old series of exercises used to strengthen the body and mind, while working at a call center. Through this picture, Colbert is talking about the problem of American jobs being shipped overseas. He also has a picture of a howler monkey named Bobo running a human resources department at a company. There is a common stereotype against human resources departments for not doing much work and making the employees’ lives difficult. The howler monkey is supposed to represent the HR department because it would be impossible to work with a monkey. Bobo even goes so far as to eat an employee’s paperwork, the equivalent of an HR department losing your paperwork. While pictures are of great use in satire, words can be just as effective if used properly. One technique Colbert and his writers use is burlesque, or the treating of a serious matter in a joking or flippant way. Burlesque is used throughout the chapter, but is used the most in the part about job interviews. Job interviews are extremely important, for they can make the difference between being hired for a job and not getting a job. In our current economy, interviews have become even more important because people are often in dire need of employment. Colbert devotes several pages to telling readers how to conduct a good interview. He tells the reader how many handshakes they should give, proper dress, and even how to appeal to the interviewer. Colbert also says to repeat the interviewer’s name many times. He says â€Å"Make a point of repeating your interviewer’s name as many times as possible as soon as you hear it† (Colbert 44). Colbert is essentially saying that by repeating the interviewer’s name, you’re flattering them, a common technique used by job seekers in interviews. Colbert satirizes the interview process as whole because he sees it as a joke and formality. He believes, and many will agree with him, that getting a job depends on flattery and connections with the interviewer. A fourth technique used by Colbert in the jobs chapter is reductio ad absurdum. This technique involves the satirist pretending to take the side of the person or group he or she is mocking in an attempt to further humiliate their subject. In the chapter, Colbert pretends to support sweatshops and shipping jobs overseas. He even goes so far as to suggest putting sweatshops in America and disbanding unions. In one of Colbert’s â€Å"truth punches† he says â€Å"The minimum wage ruined the proud American tradition of the sweatshop. You start paying American workers a minimum wage, the next thing you know they’re demanding air-conditioning and less flammable shirtwaist materials† (Colbert 30). The conditions he describes are very common in sweatshops around the world and are obviously a huge health and safety hazard. However, they make manufacturing cheaper and the lack of labor laws allows them to force their employees to work in the aforementioned conditions. Colbert pretends to support these views because by doing so he can make fun of them more effectively. Also, he highlights the extreme working conditions because by doing so, he can show the absurdity of both sweatshops and the argument for them. He can pretend to support horrible working conditions and still be viewed as humorous because everyone knows that those conditions are inhumane. One characteristic of satire that Colbert and his writers use in the jobs chapter is obscenity. At the beginning, he makes fun of the Rosie the Riveter, a common figure for female empowerment during World War II. He describes Rosie as â€Å"History’s most thinly veiled lesbian-I have worked hard to remain ignorant of whatever depraved act ‘riveting’ is† (Colbert 21). He also talks about Alan Greenspan’s scrotum and puts in a picture of it. The obscenity does not really have any purpose in satirizing Americans and their jobs. It’s there mostly for the sake of making the reader laugh and want to continue. Exaggeration is easily one of the most common, if not the most common, characteristics of satire. The chapter and the book as a whole are filled with exaggerations of varying amounts. He uses a â€Å"quote† of Ayn Rand’s, which says â€Å"Any man using the words of another is an unthinkable parasite worthy of contempt and death† (Colbert 25). Obviously Ayn Rand never said this; it’s a rather extreme thing to say and would have damaged her credibility. Colbert uses exaggeration in this instance to satirize Rand’s views of the working American. She is widely known for being a conservative and scorning Americans who don’t work and live off of the benefits of society. Colbert also uses this quote as an opportunity to take another swing at the Republicans. By making fun of a popular conservative, he is, by association, making fun of conservatives as a whole. The style of satire that Colbert and his writers use is a monologue. In a monologue, the satirist speaks from behind a mask. In America Again, Colbert is the narrator, and he uses this position to satirize more freely. By staying as himself, he can use the persona he has on his tv show, and he doesn’t need to spend time creating a character to speak through. This is also advantageous when using the reductio ad absurdum technique because most readers will already know that he doesn’t really support the side he’s pretending to be on, and they can appreciate the comedy more. The chapter on jobs was very amusing and did a good job of satirizing American jobs and American’s views on jobs. He satirizes how Americans preach the need to bring jobs back to America from countries like India and China, but no one is willing to lose money by investing in more expensive American workers.